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发布时间:2019-03-31 23:38:53 人气: 作者:


此次出访莫然会晤了TGA主席Anne Shotter女士,副主席Naomi Towers女士以及技术专家Cheryl Ford女士,两家机构的高层人员针对当前国际塔罗行业以及机构未来发展等事情进行了磋商,并对未来的合作可能达成了合作框架意向,让我们期待着未来更多的合作交流。

关于澳大利亚 TGA机构:
The Tarot Guild of Australia (TGA) represents a community of Tarot professionals, readers, teachers and enthusiasts. The TGA is a membership-based organisation, offering those with an interest in Tarot the opportunity to become Interest or Professional Members.
The primary aim of the TGA is to raise public interest and awareness of the Tarot, to promote the study of the Tarot, to maintain ethical standards in the practice of reading Tarot via professional certification and to provide a network for further education and sharing information amongst members. The TGA offers Tarot events and workshops in major Australian cities and provides an opportunity to connect and network with like-minded individuals while learning about the Tarot.